Category Archives: News

  • A New European Research Area

    The European Commission adopted a Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation. Based on excellence, competitive, open and talent-driven, the new European Research Area will improve Europe’s research and innovation landscape, accelerate the EU’s transition towards climate neutrality and digital...

    The European Commission has set out strategic guidance for the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in its 2021 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy (ASGS). The Facility is the key recovery instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU which will help the...
  • Webinar: Funding opportunities for third Eastern Partner

    The European Commission supports a successful participation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic Moldova and Ukraine in the EU’s Framework Programmes and the European Research Area (ERA). Therefore, researchers and innovation actors from the EaP countries...
  • The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integr

    Tue, 29/09/2020 – 10:00 – Wed, 30/09/2020 – 16:00 Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, EPoSS – The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration – will hold its Annual Forum as a digital conference. As announced this year’s event is organised in collaboration with...
  • EU Missions – Call for Ideas extended until 14th Septe

    The Call for ideas  for the EU Missions has been extended until 14th September. Engaging with citizens is key for all stages in the lifecycle of the EU missions. Mission Boards, which have the responsibility to advise the Commission on possible future missions, have been actively...
  • Next steps on the way to trustworthy AI

    With the publication of a short report on the AI White Paper consultation and a new assessment list for trustworthy AI, the EC is moving towards AI regulation. Covid-19 has revealed the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) for economic and health system...
  • Brussels is getting ready for autumn

    After the European Council’s budget compromise in July, busy months lie ahead to finalise the EU budget deal and assure a timely start of the new EU programmes. The EU institutions are slowly emerging from the summer break, getting ready to...
  • Coronavirus: 23 new research projects to receive €128

    The Commission will support 23 new research projects with €128 million in response to the continuing coronavirus pandemic. The funding under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation programme, is part of the Commission’s €1.4 billion pledge to the Coronavirus Global...
  • Commission launches a Manifesto to maximise the accessib

    The Commission has launched a Manifesto today to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against Covid-19. The Manifesto provides guiding principles for beneficiaries of EU research grants for coronavirus prevention, testing, treatment and vaccination to ensure that their research results...
  • Coronavirus: Commission launches call for innovative res

    The European Commission launched a call for expressions of interest for thematic partnerships to pilot interregional innovation projects that support the response and recovery following the coronavirus pandemic. The aim of the call is to help regions catch the opportunities emerging from...